What is Health and Fitness, health and fitness is very important in our life and when you’re living in a big city where life is as hurry and panic and no time for yourself to take care. In a big city where eating junk and non-organic food only available which makes you D-shape and unhealthy so finding organic and whole food is rare and difficult or if you find on rare cases it’s on very high prices. Freslivery is a platform where we are taking care of our customers because the quote that health is wealth is true, healthy life is healthful in all stages and keep you away from illness and different kind of disease , compromising on health makes you ill and makes your immune and metabolism system weak, Now a days everyone is suffering from health and fitness problem and due to Covid-19 people are suffering of weak metabolism and immune system problem, weak immune and metabolism system can easily effect from Covid-19 because virus can easily attack on low immune and metabolism human other than that a big issue find in female sector is hormonal changes which makes major problems in your bodies doctor suggests taking protein, vegetables and healthy carbs to stable your hormones for health. On health prospective consuming ordinary chicken and local market chicken makes you more unhealthy and bad for your health because these chicken are fed from antibiotics, steroids and hormonal injections and they slaughter them within three weeks because their growing cycle is faster from artificial feed that’s why they are completely unhealthy and it occurs several hormonal problems in female so its first time in Pakistan Freslivery introduces more than from organic side and 100% healthy from local market because we are giving gazing environment above from organic and natural feed, feed involves the rice, flour, corn & halal insects and produced chicken, chickens are minimum at least seven weeks of so it’s make your immune system and metabolism healthy because what you eat is what you are from outside, and no hormonal problem, this all procedure of chicken called “Pasture Feed Raised Chicken”.
Day: December 20, 2021
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